2016 Annual Meeting in Brighton

June 16, 2016 Balham WI 0 Comments

On Saturday, 11 June, Rowan (President) and Laura (Secretary) travelled to Brighton to attend the National Federation of Women's Institutes 2016 Annual Meeting.
Rowan was attending as a link delegate, representing a small number of Surrey WIs and Laura was attending as an observer.  It was an interesting day full of tradition (Jerusalem sung by thousands of women!), fun (aforementioned women descending upon Brighton beach at lunch time), and serious topics as well. The big business of the meeting was the national resolutions. Both the proposed resolutions passed after heated debate. This means that for the following year our focused campaigns will be "Avoid Food Waste, Address Food Poverty" and "Appropriate Care in Hospitals for People with Dementia."
In addition to the business of the day, we also were treated to 2 very interesting speakers: Rona Fairhead CBE, Chairman of the BBC Trust who shared her experiences in the world of business & broadcast and Baroness D'Souza CMG, the Lord Speaker who spoke about her experiences in the House of Lords and her opinions on forward-thinking reforms.
It was a very interesting and informative day and it was great to experience the larger scope of the WI!

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