May meeting | Resolutions & Seed bombs

May 21, 2016 Balham WI 0 Comments

May's meeting is often a bit serious.  In it, we discuss the proposed NFWI resolution(s) of the year and decide whether or not we as a WI would like to support the campaign when it is voted upon at the Annual Meeting.  This year was no different, lots of opinions were shared and votes were split, but we all had our say.  Following this, things got a bit dirty.

Using seeds we were given through the Kew Garden "Grow Wild
" campaign, plus a good mix of others, we got our hands into buckets to make seed bombs for some gardening guerilla-style.
We quickly discovered that our seed mix:clay:water ratios were a bit wonky, but with some trial and error everyone went home with at least a few little balls of wildflower happiness to spread around her neighbourhood.

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