July meeting | screenprinting with Screengrab

July 15, 2016 Balham WI 0 Comments

July's meeting was informative, inspirational, and fun. We hosted Josie Blue Molloy from Screengrab London, a woman-owned and operated artistic screenprinting business.
Josie is a fellow at the Royal Academy and started Screengrab as a fun side project, but now it is quite busy with a handful of assistants.  She runs workshops for small groups like us and also creates a design for people to try each month at the Science Museum Lates events.  Last year she came up with a WI-themed screen idea for the Centenary event at the National Gallery.
Everyone at the meeting got to make 2 prints and it was great fun trying different contrasts and layering up logos. Our designs featured a background of our logo "culture, charity, craft, & cake" and the main WI "inspiring women" logo. It was a very fun evening. 

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