The Women's March on London

The Women's Institutes have a long history of campaigning. As an organisation largely founded by suffragists, for over 100 years we have fought in word and deed for the rights of women, the betterment of our communities, the environment, healthcare, and many more issues besides. In 1943 we began our fight for equal pay, we worked for access to family planning services in the 1970s, & in 2008 we began to raise awareness about violence against women in its many forms.

It was with this spirit of activism that members of Balham WI joined up with members from Streatham WI, N1WI, & DeBeauvoir WI to take part in the Women's March on London on January 21st. A number of other WIs from London and beyond also were at the march and we were proud to see the WI have a presence at this historic day for women's rights around the world.