June meeting | Shibori dyeing with EcoMe Creative
Our June meeting was a great evening for everyone. After our no-show presenter mishap in May, we were especially looking forward to a hands-on night in June and our presenter Susie Wareham of EcoMe Creative didn't disappoint.
Susie shared with us a bit about how she got started in natural dyeing and textiles and then focused specifically on the rich history and benefits of dyeing with natural indigo. After a short bit of simple instruction, we got to get our hands into the business of creating our own shibori-style dyed designs!
Every member was provided with a cotton tote bag to dye as she wished and some members also chose to bring along other items like t-shirts and babygrows to dunk in the dye vats. Everyone was having a great time, even as we all turned a little blue!

The results of our experiments with knots, bands, tying, marbles, stencils, pegs, and whatever else we could think of were all just stunning. We look forward to seeing the stylish dyed bags out and about in South London and the many 2017 BWI babies will be the best dressed around!